2017 California Nursery Conference

2017 CNC Agenda/Presentations

2017 California Nursery Conference

July 27, 2017

Courtyard, Irvine Spectrum
7955 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA. 92618 





Loren Oki, Dept. Plant Sciences, UC Davis

Darren Haver, SCREC & UCCE Orange County


Session I

Analyzing Production Systems and Marketing Environmental Features of Landscape Plants



Moderator: Darren Haver


Understanding water footprint of nursery production



Analyzing nursery production systems for environmental impact potential and cost


Defining and marketing ecosystem services provided by landscape plants

Josh Knight, Ext Associate Dept. of Horticulture. Univ Kentucky


Dewayne Ingram, Professor, Dept. of Horticulture. Univ Kentucky


Dewayne Ingram, Professor, Dept. of Horticulture. Univ Kentucky


Session II 

Marketing Environmental Features and Decision Management 



Moderator: Loren Oki 



Marketing water use to consumers


How growers make decisions


Container CRF management


Bridget Behe, Professor, Dept of Horticulture. Michigan State Univ


Alexa Lamm, Center for Pub Issues Education, Univ Florida

Jim Owen, Virginia Ag Res & Ext Center, Hampton Roads. Virginia Tech

Session III 

Irrigation and Nutrient Management


Moderator: Sarah White


Irrigation management using soil moisture sensors


Where do nutrients go when you irrigate? Managing irrigation to enhance nutrient retention in container production


Nitrogen management plans

John Lea-Cox, Professor, Dept of Plant Sciences & Landscape Architecture.Univ Maryland


Tom Fernandez, Professor, Dept of Horticulture. Michigan State Univ

Bruno Pitton, Staff Research Assoc. Dept of Plant Sciences. Univ California Davis


Session IV 

Managing and Using Recycled Water


 Moderator: Paul Fisher

Adding tools in the water management toolbox



Impacts of recycled water on plant growth



Managing biofilms and clogging

John Majzstrik, Plant Env Sciences Dept. Clemson Univ


Bert Cregg, Dept of Horticulture. Michigan State Univ


Paul Fisher, Env Horticulture. Univ Florida



  Session V 

Treating Captured Runoff For Reuse and Economics of Recycling Water


 Moderator: John Kabashima


Biological treatment of runoff



Slow sand filters remove pathogens from captured runoff



Water recycling economics case study


Sarah White, Plant and Env Sciences Dept. Clemson Univ


Loren Oki, CE Specilist, Dept of Plant Sciences. Univ California, Davis


Darren Haver, Director and Advisor S Coast Res & Ext Center and UCCE Orange County. Univ California ANR




