ABC's Online Workshops

The UCNFA has presented our ABC's workshops in English and Spanish in person for the past 7 years. Participant feedback from these workshops has been overwhelmingly positive. One overwhelming request from participants has been that we provide these workshops online, since not all growers can attend the workshops when they are scheduled.

Now, with the support from a grant from the California Department of Food and Agriculture, UCNFA is pleased to introduce four ABC's workshops available online! These workshops, ABC’s of Horticulture, English and Spanish, and ABC’s of Plant Pathology and Nursery and Greenhouse Pests in Spanish are PowerPoint videos and can be viewed either in their entirety or by topic at any time.


Your Feedback Is Invaluable!
As this is a new endeavor for the UCNFA, your feedback is essential for our continuous improvement of this resource. Please use the right hand navigation bar to provide feedback on each video segment. 


Access the ABC's Online Workshops

To access an ABC's workshop PowerPoint video, simply click on any of the titles in blue below, and the PowerPoint video will open and begin playing. Each workshop is comprised of parts in order that was presented by the speaker.


ABC’s of Horticulture (English):

  1. Plant Structures and Functions     
  2. Physiological Processes           
  3. Plant Hormones                           
  4. Plant Essential Nutrients            


ABC's de la Horticultura:

  1. Estructuras del Plantas y sus Funciones  
  2. Procesos Fisiológicos                                
  3. Hormonas Vegetales                                            
  4. Nutrientes Esenciales de Plantas            


ABCs de Fitopatología:

  1. Introducción a los Principios de Fitopatología    
  2. Triángulo de las Enfermedades: Agente Causal  
  3. Triángulo de las Enfermedades: Medio Ambiente


ABCs de Plagas de Viveros y Invernaderos:

  1. Introducción a Plagas de Artrópodos                                    
  2. Clase Insecta, Orden Hemiptera, Suborden Sternorrhyncha
  3. Clase Insecta, Orden Hemiptera, Subordenes Auchenorrhyncha y Heteroptera  
  4. Clase Insecta, Órdenes Dictyoptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera y Lepidoptera 
  5. Clase Arachnida                                



Access the Entire Workshop as One Video

You can view the entire workshop by clicking on the title in blue below”. Length of entire video (hours:minutes) denoted below.

  1. ABCs of Horticulture (Length = 1:27)

  2. ABCs de la Horticultura (Length = 1:37)

  3. ABCs de Fitopatología (Length = 1:40)

  4. ABCs de Plagas de Viveros e Invernaderos (Length = 2:05)

Navigating within the video: To review content within a PowerPoint video, move your cursor to an earlier time (before the blue dot) and click on the blue line at the bottom of the page. The “blue dot” should slide where you clicked your cursor at a point earlier in the presentation. The time indicator should move to the location of your cursor.


ABC video instructions


Development of these online ABC's workshops was funded by a grant from the 2013 California Department of Food and Agriculture's Specialty Crops Block Grant Program  (#13019) awarded to UCNFA and managed by the California Center for Urban Horticulture (CCUH). The CCUH would like to acknowledge the following professionals for their contributions to this project:

Heather Castro
    B.S. in Plant Sciences, UC Davis
Linda Dodge
    UCNFA Program Representative, Retired, UC Davis
Maria de la Fuente
    Farm Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension
Ray Lucas
     Senior Producer/Director, UC ANR
Donald Merhaut
      Associate Extension Specialist, UC Riverside