UCNFA Newsletter Archive (2010-2018)


The University of California Nursery and Floriculture Alliance (UCNFA) aims to serve the educational needs of the various agricultural production industries in California that produce greenhouse ornamental crops and outdoor nursery products.

UCNFA News is a periodic publication focusing on issues and new research in subject areas of interest to the nursery and floriculture industry.


Past Issues of UCNFA News

Summer 2018

We regretfully announce that this is the last issue of UCNFA News. In this newsletter, we commemorate the retirements of UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisors Steve Tjosvold and Jim Bethke, along with Cooperative Extension Specialist Richard Evans. These people have made valuable contributions to the floriculture and nursery industry, in addition to regularly contributing to this newsletter (Steve, has provided leadership for the newsletter as co-editor). The first issue of UCNFA News -formerly called CORF News- was published in the fall of 1997. Michael Parrella- then associate dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences- was instrumental in getting administrative support from the Department of Plant Sciences and establishing UCNFA. it therefore seems fitting that he is the lead author of our last feature article for this issue, which is on biological control (Michael Parrella is currently dean of agriculture at the University of Idaho). This isn't a final farewell, however, because Steve Tjosvold will be launching a nursery production blog for UCNFA as an emeritus farm advisor. Look for it to come out in August.  

UCNFA News Summer 2018 Volume 22 issue 2 (2,386KB)

Winter 2018

This newsletter issue focuses on bee health and neonicotinoid insecticides. Beekeepers have been reporting significant annual honey bee colony losses.

UCNFA News Winter 2018 Volume 22 issue 1 (4,418KB)

Summer 2017

Three feature articles are included in this issue lead by Sims, Tjosvold and Downer on various aspects of Phytophtora and its control, as well as management of other root diseases. Moreover, a new disease, boxwood blight, has been discovered in Bay Area landscapes and is described in Tjosvold's Regional Report. 

UCNFA News Summer 2017 Volume 21 issue 1 (5,003KB)

Fall 2016

This issue focuses on scouting, with feature articles providing guidance on how to scout and the benefits of scouting, in addition to pest and disease updates for growers. 

UCNFA News Fall 2016 Volume 20 issue 3 (3,158KB)

Summer 2016

Sanitation is the focus of this newsletter issue and is the first part of a multiple-part series on IPM.

UCNFA News Summer 2016 Volume 20 issue 2 (2,576KB)

Spring 2016

This newsletter issue focuses on emerging horticultural technologies for growing plants in highly controlled environments.

UCNFA News Spring 2016 Volume 20 issue 1 (5,807KB)

Winter 2015

This newsletter issue provides helpful tips and resources for growers trying to prepare for winter storms. Information on plant diseases to watch for in the coming months and management of these problems is also provided.

UCNFA News Winter 2015 Volume 19 issue 3 (4,618KB)

Fall 2015

This newsletter issue focuses on the continuing drought and drought related issues that nursery operators in California face.

UCNFA News Fall 2015 Volume 19 issue 2 (2,782KB)

Spring 2015

UCNFA News Spring 2015 Volume 19 issue 1 (6,023KB)

Fall 2014

UCNFA News Fall 2014 Volume 18 issue 3 (2,903KB)

Summer 2014

UCNFA News Summer 2014 Volume 18 issue 2

Spring 2014

UCNFA News Spring 2014 Volume 18 issue 1

Fall 2013

UCNFA News Fall 2013 Volume 17 issue 3

Summer 2013

UCNFA News Summer 2013 Volume 17 issue 2

Spring 2013

UCNFA News Spring 2013 Volume 17 issue 1

Fall 2012

UCNFA News Fall 2012 Volume 16 Issue 3

Summer 2012

UCNFA News Summer 2012 Volume 16 Issue 2

Spring 2012

UCNFA News Spring 2012 Vol 16 Issue 1

Fall 2011

UCNFA News Fall 2011 Vol 15 Issue 3

Spring 2011

UCNFA News Spring 2011 Vol 15 Issue 2

LBAM Bait Traps Poster

Winter 2011

UCNFA News Winter 2011 Vol. 15 Issue 1

Spring 2010

UCNFA News Spring 2010 Vol. 14 Issue 1