ABC's Online Workshops
The ABC's series of workshops covers topics plant pathology, pests & diseases, and general horticultural methods. in The content was created to be useful overview to people new to the industry while acting as a helpful review option to industry veterans. Videos in English &/y videos en Español.
ABCs Online Workshops
CANGC Unified BMP's Project
A joint project by CANGC and UCNFA to identify best management practices useful for California nursery and greenhouse growers. Content includes information about the project and an online Best Management Practices Tool for Growers.
CANGC Unified BMPs Project
Scouting Case Study
Please follow the link below to access publication by Bill Matthews examining the economics of scouting. This study was a joint project with the Agricultural Issues Center and UCNFA, funded by a CDFA Specialty Crops Block Grant.
Scouting Case Study Report