Best Management Practices Programs for CA Nurseries: Review and Outlook (San Marcos)

Center for Applied Horticultural Research
2280 Tamara Lane
San Marcos CA 92084

January 9, 2013
10:00 am – 1:30 pm

Moderator: James Bethke, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, San Diego and Riverside Counties

Continuing Education Units approved: DPR 2 "other"
CCA units requested

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The California Department of Food and AgricultureUS Department of Agriculture APHIS and the National Plant Board in partnership with the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers (CANGC) and the University of California Nursery and Floriculture Alliance (UCNFA) are sponsoring a workshop to:

  1. Review the benefits of best management practices (BMP’s) programs to the nursery industry
  2. Share an example of a BMP program (components)
  3. Educate nursery growers on National Ornamental Research Site at Dominican University of California (NORS-DUC)
  4. Review current status of the CANGC BMP grant for multiple plant pests in CA
  5. Provide update on the National Plant Board’s Systems Approach for Nursery Certification program

A nationwide movement has increased the focus on “clean stock production” in the interest of preventing the spread of diseases and pests through nursery stock. Various states across the US are meeting to develop programs and guidelines for their own states and the National Plant Board, working with USDA, are also meeting regarding a possible national program for all states. CDFA is encouraging a voluntary program designed to allow California nurseries to develop a program specific to their individual needs regarding diseases and pests.

Click on titles below to view presentation PDF files


Time Title Speaker/Affiliation
10:00am Registration Refreshments provided by Grangetto's
10:10am Welcome James Bethke, UCCE San Diego and Riverside Counties
10:15am Introduction to BMPs and importance to nursery industry Dave Fujino, UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
10:30am Phytophthora ramorum BMP Program Kathy Kosta, CDFA
11:00am CA NORS-DUC Research Facility Karen Suslow, NORS-DUC
11:15am CANGC BMP Grant update Dave Fujino
11:45am Lunch Sponsored by National Plant Board
12:30pm Systems Approach to Nursery CertificationSANC Fact Sheet Aurelio Posadas, National Plant Board
1:00pm Questions and Answers Facilitators: James Bethke and Dave Fujino
1:20pm Closing Remarks James Bethke
1:30pm Adjourn  


Online Registration

Mail/Fax in Registration (flyer)


Assistance Available

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Please contact the UCNFA office at 530-752-8419 (phone/fax) (email: if you have special needs or require assistance