BMPs Online Tool Demonstration

Free Hands-on Demonstration of Online Tool for Creating

Best Management Practices Programs for CA Nurseries

Continuing Education Units: 
Approved: DPR 1.0 “other”
Approved: CCA 1.0 “pest management”
Requested: Region 4 (LA) Ag Waiver 3.0

The California nursery industry is challenged every day with exposure to invasive pests and pathogens covered under quarantine regulations that exist in various regions of the state. Excluding quarantine pests and pathogens is based on minimizing the risk of introduction and implementing preventive controls to the establishment of the pest or pathogen within the nursery. Voluntary, industry-developed, Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been created to assist nursery crop producers in developing an effective preventive action and monitoring plan to reduce the risk of introducing CA quarantine pests and pathogens into their operations.

Thanks to a CDFA Specialty Crops Block Grant awarded to the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers in 2010, researchers from UC and several CA agencies have developed Best Management Practices for multiple pests in California nursery/floriculture operations.

This online tool allows growers/shippers to create a set of BMPs unique to their nursery based on county locations and the pests/pathogens under quarantine or of concern in those counties. A grower/shipper can easily access the BMPs that are a common denominator for the above-mentioned pest/pathogens, as well as those specific BMPs that are unique to the specific pest/pathogen in the county they operate in, buy-in product from and/or ship product to. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops and test out the BMPs online tool with assistance from the speakers.

Preview the BMPs online tool here:






Registration and Refreshments



Overview of the BMPs online tool

Dave Fujino, UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance (UCNFA) and California Center for Urban Horticulture (CCUH)


Demonstration of the BMPs online tool

Karen Suslow, National Ornamentals Research Site at Dominican University of California (NORS-DUC)


Hands-on trial of BMPs online tool by attendees on their laptops

Assistance as needed by Dave, Karen and Linda Dodge


Roundup and questions

Dave and Karen





Free Registration

This workshop is free but please register in advance. 

Online Registration Form (choose date/location)

Fax-in Registration Form/Event Flyer (choose date/location)


Workshop Dates and Locations

Click on venue links for directions

September 10, 2013
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center Nectarine Room
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier CA 93648

September 17, 2013
UCCE Ventura County Conference Room
669 County Square Dr, #100
Ventura CA 93003

September 24, 2013
UCCE Santa Cruz County Auditorium
1432 Freedom Blvd.
Watsonville CA 95076

October 23, 2013
UC South Coast Research and Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine CA 92618

October 30, 2013
Center for Applied Horticultural Research
2280 Tamara Lane
San Marcos CA 92084


Assistance Available

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Please contact the UCNFA office at 530-752-8419 (phone/fax) (email: if you have special needs or require assistance