Event Date
Are you a grower of greenhouse or nursery crops? Don’t miss our upcoming panel Q&A webinar, where experts will share the latest research to support your success. In this webinar, Dr. Eric Middleton will present "Thrips parvispinus and agave mites in ornamental and nursery production", Steven Swain will present "A newly discovered native moth: Etainia thoraceluca", Dr. Hamutahl Cohen will present "Understanding pesticide resistance in greenhouse plant production", and Dr. Chris Shogren will present "Slug and Snail Control"
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There is no cost, but registration is required in the link: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=45600
- Dr. Eric Middleton, UC Cooperative Extension San Diego, Orange, and Los Angeles Counties. Eric works with growers and communities wherever pests are an issue, including in nursery and floriculture production, citrus and avocado groves, and the many small farms found in San Diego county.
- Steven Swain, UC Cooperative Extension Marin County. Steven Swain, works with nurseries and landscapers on a variety of issues related to plant health, disease management and industry best practices.
- Dr. Hamutahl Cohen, UC Cooperative Extension Ventura County. Dr. Cohen conducts research on a myriad of issues related to arthropods in Ventura crops, including citrus, avocado, berries, and more.
- Dr. Chris Shogren, UC Cooperative Extension Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Current research focuses on management of insects, diseases and weeds in horticulture production systems, and the urban forest.
The program will begin with short talks from the panelists giving you an update on their latest research for nursery and greenhouse production. Then the panelists will take questions from participants on any and all topics you may have.
Bring your questions to ask the panelists!
Cost: There is no charge, but you must register.
For questions please contact:
Chris Shogren, cjshogren@ucanr.edu
Organized and Sponsored by:
This event is sponsored by the UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance ucnfa.ucanr.edu, and the Plant California Alliance, www.plantcalifornia.com
The University of California Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources (UC ANR) is an equal opportunity provider.