Joanna P. Solins
Environmental Horticulture Advisor
Sacramento Office
4145 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 875-2409
Also in:
Sacramento County
Solano County

Joanna Solins came to UC Cooperative Extension after a decade studying urban ecosystems with Dr. Mary Cadenasso at UC Davis. Joanna’s graduate research at UC Davis combined field studies and geographic information system (GIS) analysis to investigate plant communities, tree canopy, and soils along urban creeks in the Sacramento area. She also carried out postdoctoral research on green stormwater infrastructure, urban forest composition, and the water demand of urban vegetation across California, and contributed to projects examining residential landscaping and urban heat in Sacramento. Originally from the East Coast, Joanna began her career leading outreach education programs for the New England Aquarium and writing for educational publishers. Joanna enjoys exploring the great outdoors, from urban neighborhoods to wilderness areas and everything in between.
Ph.D. Ecology, UC Davis. 2018
M.A. Geography, UC Davis. 2016
B.A. Environmental Studies, Vassar College. 2004
Urban green infrastructure
Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Ornamentals / Landscape / Turf - General
- Trees - Ornamental / Landscape / Shade
- Parks and Urban Green Space
- Watershed Protection and Management
- Soil, Plant, Water, Nutrient Relationships
- Urban Forestry
- Master Gardeners
Peer Reviewed
- Green, Jasmin C.; Solins, Joanna P., et al. (2024). Patterns of water-wise residential landscaping in a drought-prone city. Journal of Urban Ecology. 10:1, juae003.
- Solins, Joanna P.; Phillips de Lucas, Amanda K., et al. (2023). Regulatory requirements and voluntary interventions create contrasting distributions of green stormwater infrastructure in Baltimore, Maryland. Landscape and Urban Planning. 229, 104607.
- Solins, Joanna P.; Cadenasso, Mary L. (2022). Urban runoff and stream channel incision interact to influence riparian soils and understory vegetation. Ecological Applications. 32:4, e2556.
- Solins, Joanna P.; Cadenasso, Mary L. (2020). Testing urban drivers of riparian woody vegetation composition in a precipitation-limited system. Journal of Ecology. 108:2, 470-484.
- Solins, Joanna P.; Cadenasso, Mary L. (2020). Urban channel incision and stream flow subsidies have contrasting effects on the water status of riparian trees. Urban Ecosystems. 23:2, 419-430.
- Solins, Joanna P.; Thorne, James H., et al. (2018). Riparian canopy expansion in an urban landscape: Multiple drivers of vegetation change along headwater streams near Sacramento, California. Landscape and Urban Planning. 172, 37-46.
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Floriculture and Nursery - Member
- Landscape and Urban Horticulture - Member
- Weed - Member