Nursery Nitrogen Management Workshop
Topics include Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plans (INMPs), fate of applied N in nursery production, irrigation management, N nutrition, and software tools for tracking N application.
WHEN: March 11, 2020
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
WHERE: Hines Nursery-Winters
8633 Winters Rd.,
Winters, CA 95694
COST: $15
This workshop is part of a research project funded by grants from the California Department of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crops Block Grant and Fertilizer Research and Education Programs, the Horticulture Research Institute, and the Plant California Alliance.
Irrigation and nitrogen management plans: Where do nurseries fit? Susan Fregien and Dana Kulsza, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
Where applied nitrogen goes in a nursery production system - Bruno Pitton, UC Davis
Nitrogen Management in containerized nursery crops - Don Merhaut, UC Riverside
Managing irrigation to reduce runoff - Loren Oki, UC Davis
Leaching Fraction: A Tool to Schedule Irrigation for Container-Grown Nursery Crops