a blue and white slide showing information about the ask the advisor series

2025 Ask the Advisor Sessions

Each month, UCNFA hosts a free virtual Q&A session on a topic related to greenhouse and nursery management. Drawing on our members’ varied expertise, we hope to provide guidance and answer questions related to your production challenges. Our topics and schedule for the beginning of 2025 are as follows:

January: UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance Research Updates

Join us in January to learn all about our alliance members’ most recent research results related to pest, disease, and nutrient management. We hope this smattering of topics will provide beneficial information for nursery and greenhouse producers across the state.

February: Pest Management

Join us in February to ask a panel of entomologists about all things bugs! Our panelists specialize in ornamental and landscape pest management, including mites, fire ants, mealybugs, and thrips.

March: Native Plant Production

Have propagation problems? Maybe some fickle ferns? Then join us in May for some sage advice on native plant production.

April: Arboriculture

While our group focuses heavily on nursery production, the importance of maintaining healthy trees after they’re integrated into the landscape is not lost on us. So join our tree experts for a discussion on tree management across California landscapes. Topics such as maintaining healthy roots, pruning, and heat stress management are all on the table. 

May: Waterborne Pathogens (In Spanish)

During this special May event, our panelists will lead a Spanish-based discussion on waterborne pathogen management. Dr. Johanna Del Castillo dedicates a majority of her research to root disease management practices, and Dr. Gerry Spinelli specializes in all things irrigation. Together, they make a great team to answer all your questions about waterborne pathogen control.